Beginning at the Beginning
Fiction becomes a problem from the perspective of the reactionalist because it is, by it's very nature, a medium that requires an informed individual to read, understand, and react to it. Here is my attempt to encapsulate my reaction to Neuromancer, by William Gibson.
When Neuromancer began I was faced with a dated projection of life in our modern age. I, as a modern viewer, am able to view Gibson's writing through the lens of the modern technologist which allows a certain amount of perspective. If I were closed minded I might have used this to color his projection of modern life, but instead I noticed quite poignantly how wonderful Gibson's thoughts about modern culture would prove to be. His assessment of the modern "cowboy" tech was fascinating, which lead me into the meat of his work.
I need to comment predominantly on Gibson's origination of the "cyber-space" concept as we think of it modernly. His ideas laid the ground-work for modern metaversalism and everything that goes with it. The way that Case handles his deck is an absolute precursor to modern metaversalist fiction. The digital world that the cowboys of cyberspace spend their time in is inspirational, with their critical contact with AI's and combative defense programs laying the groundwork for Otherland's agent's and Snow Crash's antivirus software.
From the standpoints of storytelling Gibson's story has everything that a technological fiction enthusiast would want, biohacking, digital worlds, sophisticated AIs, space travel, schizophrenic team members, and lots of mind altering substances. As a fan on metaversalist fiction I have to state that William Gibson's Neuromancer is the logical starting place.